ART | Hollywood Movies, With Chinese Characteristics
By Fahmi Reza
Once an afterthought, the Chinese market has become increasingly important to Hollywood, with studios jostling for access to China’s 1.4 billion consumers. China’s government only allows 34 foreign films to air in the country each year, prompting studios to go to great lengths to increase the chances of their movies being amongst them. They, however, deny that they’re cynically tailoring their films to pander to Chinese viewers and to the Chinese government, and why should anyone doubt their word? Here are some posters to Hollywood movies we might be seeing in the near future, illustrated by the incredible Fahmi Reza.
Read the story behind this here: FAKE NEWS | Hollywood Denies Pandering to Chinese Market

About the artist: Fahmi Reza is a political graphic designer based in Kuala Lumpur. He has been arrested, charged, banned, and sentenced to jail for his design work. Follow him on Twitter here.
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