The Signal in the Noise
Randonautica, a random number generator app, shows us how humans manufacture meaning.
Gurwinder Bhogal, Staff Writer
Gurwinder Bhogal is a British-Indian writer. His work has appeared in Areo, Quillette, The Humanist, The Sunday Express, and on the blog of the counter-extremism think-tank, Quilliam.
He can be found on Twitter here.
All Posts
Randonautica, a random number generator app, shows us how humans manufacture meaning.
The Wuhan lab leak hypothesis was initially dismissed as a conspiracy theory before the mainstream started taking it seriously. What lessons can we learn from this about what to believe?
Why misinformation can only be defeated with misinformation.
What happens when we lose our minds to the web?
By encouraging everyone to see the world through a racial lens and discriminating against people on the basis of skin color, the ideology of antiracism is inherently racist.
As more employees work from home, employers turn to invasive tech to monitor them.
Is religion useful even if you don’t believe gods exist?
To prevent outbreaks we must demand that even religious rituals meet basic standards of health and safety.
Islamists and neo-Nazis are fighting each other, but their shared goal is to destroy the liberal order.
The Corrupted Blood incident of 2005 offers disturbing insights into how the coronavirus crisis might unfold.
It’s time we put this myth to rest.
The Labour party suffered its worst defeat in a hundred years, but the biggest loser was the truth.
How dark internet urban legends take on a life of their own.
Cancel culture not only doesn’t help social justice, it’s harmful to it.
Why do things look like they’re getting worse as they’re getting better?