Harry Clynch, Staff Writer

Harry Clynch is a journalist based in London. He graduated with a First Class degree in English from Churchill College, Cambridge, where he developed a particular interest in war literature. Harry is also the Features Editor at Disruption Banking, covering the global investment banking industry, and has written on foreign affairs for publications including NK News, UnHerd, and The Spectator.

Email him at clynchharry@gmail.com or tweet @clynchharry.

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George Clare Showed How We Waltz Into Genocide

In his memoirs, George Clare, one of the most underrated writers of his generation, paints a haunting portrait of how naivety and complacency – even amongst Jews – allowed the Holocaust to happen.

Boris Johnson’s Ouster Is Democracy in Action

Boris Johnson’s ouster isn’t embarrassing for the UK; it’s a testament to the power of our free press and the robustness of our parliamentary democracy. It’s something that could never happen in the dictatorships gleefully citing it as evidence of dysfunction.

The Looming Afghan Famine

Mismanagement by the Taliban and the halt in foreign aid has plunged Afghanistan’s economy into freefall – and no one knows what to do about it.