Living with the Dead
In Thailand, the spirit world is part of everyday life.
Shruti Kothari, Staff Writer
Shruti Kothari is a writer from Bangkok. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Classics from Brown University, and a Master’s degree in Creative Writing from the University of St Andrews. She works as a Senior Writer at a lifestyle magazine, and as a creative writing mentor for people of all ages. She loves reading fantasy novels, doing crossword puzzles, and designing jewellery. She rarely combs her hair.
Email her at shruti.kothari@gmail.com
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In Thailand, the spirit world is part of everyday life.
Sri Thanonchai, Thailand’s most popular trickster, is known for his amoral cunning.
Often idealized, temple prostitutes were little more than sex slaves. Rather than them, women should emulate the goddesses they served.
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Whilst prostitution evokes cheap perfume, immorality, and desperation, the courtesan is associated with art, fame, and riches.
Why do Thai people pray to a murderous ghost?
Cross-dressing in stories through the ages.
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How to sustain a prodigious intellect.
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