POETRY | When I Am Filled With Anxiety
By Areeba Ahmed
Staff Writer

That I appear an abandoned island reeking of one-eyed misery,
That even the surrounding tides disperse and quiver
At the unseemly prospect of touching me
That I appear a two-headed clay-thing of gnarled intentions and gnashing teeth
Before whom even the fiendish North Wind begins to shiver
And the most dauntless of stars recede
And when I behold, in Heaven’s tattooed eyes
Blinking dudgeons of a reluctant audience
For whom I may never live to beautify
This Otherness into some sage performance,
Or reel from my innermost recesses these sunken visions
Of gauze-winged faeries and far-flung nymphs
Who swim at ease, free of that indecision
That cripples my thoughts ‘til, like Zagreus, they stagger and sway in misshapen limps
And when I feel my mind’s mother-tongue conceives brainchildren who babble
A language that is half-foreign to me
That my every trace is betrothed to a short-lived, sable secrecy,
And vanquished to eastern quick-sands that swallow themselves into mediocrity,
Where impaled griffins whisper to impassive ruins a stillborn prophecy
That no wand of sunlight on knolls of desert-floors conjures for me
The golden halo of a halcyon
That no sphinx shall ever deem me fit for highfalutin riddling
That my words are more presumptuous than ancient Babylon
That no merman shall ask to weave my hair with fingers gently fiddling
And when I fear I may never scope the seven seas from atop a crow’s nest,
That I am but a ship rat, racing through the pipe dreams of an un-wild west
And that for every urge freed by pen, two more remain hostage and penned in my chest,
Then, I rouse myself to my flattened feet,
That I may make from strife, something sweet.
For, I vow to change this life yet.