Can a City “Lack Character”?
Certain cities, like Canberra, Singapore, and Shenzhen are said to “lack character.” But what does that really mean?
Certain cities, like Canberra, Singapore, and Shenzhen are said to “lack character.” But what does that really mean?
In his memoirs, George Clare, one of the most underrated writers of his generation, paints a haunting portrait of how naivety and complacency – even amongst Jews – allowed the Holocaust to happen.
I’m a former teacher at an American public school. This might be the only way to fix the broken system.
Assange has been persecuted and slandered by governments and the media just for doing what any true journalist should do.
China’s Belt & Road Initiative is an expensive mistake. The last thing the free world should do is try to compete with it.
If we view Hitler as uniquely evil, we blind ourselves to the fact that there really are people as bad, or near as bad, as him today.
Black Lives Matter is just the latest movement to be swallowed by a non-profit sector that is corrupt to its core.
NATO is already effectively at war with Putin’s Russia. It falls to it to make sure it wins that war.
In his desire for good relations with Kim Jong-un, South Korean President Moon Jae-in has repeatedly sacrificed human rights – and gotten nothing tangible in return.
Why winter, snow, and rain are better than summer and sun.
China’s government regards “sissy” Chinese men as a liability and is trying to get them to imitate the exaggerated machismo of the West. But the more effeminate version of masculinity has enriched China’s culture for millennia and will help it thrive in the 21st century.
I realized that Hogwarts is actually a trade school – a polytechnic! All we ever learned there was how to cast spells and brew potions.
I feel no obligation to have kids, and neither should you.
Should we recognize a terrible person for his talents and achievements?
Though it began with good intentions, Black Lives Matter has degenerated into a toxic cult.
“Endless war” is one of the most maligned ideas today. But is it really that bad?
Trump is no longer president, but his cult remains. How will America reckon with it?
How placing more importance on material possessions can improve our lives.
The American obsession with race has become extremely unhealthy.
When virtually everyone is “racist” and “sexist,” it seems, no one is.
Why do we relish horrifying tales where jealous mothers kill their children and little girls dance themselves to death? Because the darkness in stories helps us confront the darkness inside ourselves.
Why is a Japanese demon lord who devoured women also an underclass hero?
Japan can be a place of repressed psyches where it’s difficult to express negative feelings.
By encouraging everyone to see the world through a racial lens and discriminating against people on the basis of skin color, the ideology of antiracism is inherently racist.
It’s time to reclaim the term “elitism,” to recognize that it’s not a pejorative but an expression of our highest aspirations.
China is the biggest oppressor of Chinese people today. Those who claim to care about them should oppose it.
The New York Times’ reversal on Senator Tom Cotton’s op-ed is a betrayal of its journalistic responsibilities.
The allegations against Joe Biden might be forcing Democrats to recognize their previous position on sexual misconduct was indefensible.
When we come to understand villains like Harvey Weinstein and Roman Polanski, can we still hate them?
Intersectional identity politics is both morally and intellectually bankrupt. This weakness makes its followers increasingly intolerant.
Why do so many overseas Chinese support the Chinese Communist Party? Mostly, it’s racism.
Afghanistan is the women’s rights debate that no one’s having.
The Islamist preacher Zakir Naik is not important. What his case reflects about Malaysia, though, is.
Why do things look like they’re getting worse as they’re getting better?
Lee Kuan Yew was a titan and the shadow he casts is long and black and all of Singapore remains under it.
The 2020 Tokyo Olympics is a golden opportunity for the Japanese people to move out of their cultural comfort zone. If only they’d take it.
The film One Child Nation is a harrowing portrait of forced abortion in China. But how accurate is it, and what does it tell us about China then and now?