Shaun Tan, Founder, Editor-in-Chief, Staff Writer
Shaun Tan is a Malaysian writer. He studied International Relations at Yale University and Law at King’s College London. His writing has appeared in The Caravan, Quartz, the Yale Daily News, The Politic, The Diplomat, and the Malay Mail. He’s guest lectured at Yale on Asian culture and creativity, and at the Kuala Lumpur and Perak Bar Councils on political philosophy. He enjoys reading, playing tennis, and talking about himself in the third person.
Follow him on Facebook here.
Email him at shaun.tan@rabbitholemag.com
Cassidy Warner, Staff Writer
Cassidy Warner is an Australian writer living and working in Sydney. She has a BA with Distinction from the University of New South Wales, dual majoring in English and Politics, but no amount of formal education has satisfied her desire to take things apart and find out why they tick. Cassidy is as passionate about intersectional politics, philosophy, and injustice as she is about storytelling.
Harry Clynch, Staff Writer
Harry Clynch is a journalist based in London. He graduated with a First Class degree in English from Churchill College, Cambridge, where he developed a particular interest in war literature. Harry is also the Features Editor at Disruption Banking, covering the global investment banking industry, and has written on foreign affairs for publications including NK News, UnHerd, and The Spectator.
Email him at clynchharry@gmail.com or tweet @clynchharry.
Thomas Lambert, Staff Writer
Thomas Lambert is a British writer. Now based in London, he has also lived and worked in Buenos Aires, Milan, and Valencia. He holds a BA in History and Modern Languages from the University of Oxford, and is particularly interested in history, politics, literature, and culture. When not working on his journalism, he tends to be writing either poetry or prose fiction, and is currently completing his first novel.
Email him at lamberttf@gmail.com
A. A. Attanasio, Contributor
A. A. Attanasio lives in Honolulu and writes most of his fiction inside a volcano: Koko Crater, a botanical garden near his home. Published by HarperCollins, William Morrow, Bantam, and Houghton-Mifflin, his novels include historical fiction (Wyvern and Servant of Birds), Arthurian epics (The Perilous Order), paranormal romance (The Moon’s Wife), fantasy (The Dominions of Irth), a Paleolithic saga (Hunting the Ghost Dancer), crime drama (Striker), science fiction (The Radix Tetrad), Wiccan adventure (Killing with the Edge of the Moon), and young adult novels (The Conjure Book and Brave Tails).
Patrick Roesle, Contributor
Patrick Roesle grew up in New Jersey and lives in Philadelphia. He has something of a chip on his shoulder. Sometimes he blogs at Beyond Easy.
Steve Noyes, Contributor
Steve Noyes has published nine books of poetry and fiction, including the novels It Is Just that Your House Is So Far Away and November’s Radio. His writing has appeared in The Malahat Review, Wasafiri, The Fiddlehead and Canadian Literature. Steve has a PhD in The Contemporary Novel from the University of Kent, and regularly reviews books for Canadian literary magazines. He enjoys studying Arabic and following the NBA. After a rainy year of house-sitting on Vancouver Island, looking after shih-tzus, long-haired cats, and a hamster, Steve and his wife have moved to Sheffield, Yorkshire, but it’s still raining.
More info on Steve’s writing is at www.stevenoyes.com