FAKE NEWS | Jussie Smollett to Receive Emmy for Staged Hate Crime Acting
“A lesser actor might have felt some sense of guilt at lying to the entire country – and allowed this to affect their performance. Not Jussie.”
December 2021
“A lesser actor might have felt some sense of guilt at lying to the entire country – and allowed this to affect their performance. Not Jussie.”
“Who is this ‘Peng Shuai’ of whom you speak? What proof do you have that there is such a person?”
Why winter, snow, and rain are better than summer and sun.
Navy SEALs are often romanticized as American heroes. In reality, though, they are unaccountable, barbaric, and often homicidal.
AUKUS largely helps Australia achieve its strategic goals and is a sign that the young Western nation is maturing.
Many corporations today are basically amoral, and will do business with any regime, no matter how repressive, for the right price. So why won’t they say it?
Being an “ally” to a historically-disadvantaged group is a terrible deal. Don’t get suckered into it.
November 2021
“I would like some privacy and some time to re-center myself, so don’t be surprised if you don’t hear from me for the next five years or so. Goodbye, everyone!”
“Jodie Comer gave a powerful performance in The Last Duel, but the best acting in the world could not make up for her overwhelming whiteness.”
China’s government regards “sissy” Chinese men as a liability and is trying to get them to imitate the exaggerated machismo of the West. But the more effeminate version of masculinity has enriched China’s culture for millennia and will help it thrive in the 21st century.
The world is hugely dependent on Taiwan’s foundries for semiconductors, which makes the question of who controls them – and how they use this power – of paramount importance.
The sudden riots in this sleepy Pacific archipelago shows it’s not so easy for China to buy love.
How Beijing turned a non-issue into an international crisis.
Korean pop culture didn’t get this popular by itself – it’s the deliberate result of a plan by the South Korean government to boost its entertainment industry and its soft power.
October 2021
Ghosts and ghouls lurk in the popular Taiwanese videogame, Detention. But it’s the dictatorship, and the ordinary humans who aid and abet it, that really chill the blood.
In India, people fear black magic curses from their enemies…and their “friends.”
Metamorphosizing from a fearsome monster to a bogeyman to a cute cartoon character to a conservation mascot, the Australian bunyip is a metaphor for our changing relationship with nature.
When an ordinary man criticizes a famous rapper’s latest album, the rapper sics his fans on him. Things escalate from there.
The most prestigious intellectual awards in America are now ridiculously fixated on race. We should be worried.
A spate of mass killings in Southeast Asia baffled anthropologists for centuries. Can it shed light on mass shootings today?
Randonautica, a random number generator app, shows us how humans manufacture meaning.
September 2021
I realized that Hogwarts is actually a trade school – a polytechnic! All we ever learned there was how to cast spells and brew potions.
I feel no obligation to have kids, and neither should you.
Many fat activists have gone beyond body acceptance and are actively discouraging obese people against losing weight, with no regard for the science or their health.
My father warned me that the sea was beguiling, dangerous. The deeper you descend, the more the sea wants to pull you down and keep you.
Angela Merkel postured as a stateswoman on the world stage, but constantly shunted unpleasant work and unpleasant decisions to others, and shirked her responsibilities as a major European leader.
In much of East Asia, the preference for whiter skin stems not from any desire to imitate Westerners, but from traditional culture.
An excessive and irrational fear of accidental war based on a misunderstanding of historical events is dangerous, especially when it paralyzes people and prevents them from standing up for themselves and for what’s right.
The Wuhan lab leak hypothesis was initially dismissed as a conspiracy theory before the mainstream started taking it seriously. What lessons can we learn from this about what to believe?
August 2021
There are tons of GoFundMe campaigns out there. Here are some of the most unworthy.
“How many times have you been driving and some motherfucker honks you from behind for, like, no reason, but you can’t honk him back because your horn only goes forward?”
As the US withdraws from the region, China may come to be seen as the chief foreign interloper.
Today, Westerners admire violent heroism more than ever, so long as it’s in the distant past or in movies. Is the great heroism of the West now gone to dust and song?
Elites habitually underestimate the working-class, assuming that we’re not interested in highbrow things. But we’re smarter than they think.
Years from now, it’s likely people will make all sorts of false claims about the War in Afghanistan. Perhaps it’s worth setting a few things down, for the record.
July 2021
We often receive letters from readers seeking advice on problems. Here are some of the most insufferable.
Japanese porn star Marica Hase is a strange mixture of pliability and determination, of softness and hardness. That’s probably why she’s so good at her job.
The supernatural world bleeds into modern-day Manila in the spectacular new Netflix series, Trese.
Though it often behaves like a vassal to China, Cambodia is growing increasingly uncomfortable with its overreliance on Beijing – and that may present the West with an opening.
Many young Chinese are eschewing the rat race in favor of “lying flat,” and the Party is worried.
As India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh mark significant milestones since independence, what can they learn from each other’s successes and mistakes?
In a world deluged with information on China, the sinologist Orville Schell gives us that rarest of things: perspective.
June 2021
All your base are belong to us.
China is the ultimate crybully – a country that bullies others yet invokes historical suffering to try to portray itself as a perpetual victim – and other countries are getting sick of its routine.
No matter how bad relations get with China, even Indian nationalists won’t give up their Chinese food.
France is an Asia-Pacific power, and will be instrumental in countering Chinese aggression in the region.
Some of the best negotiators can be found in the most unassuming locations – in street stalls and humble stores selling cheap goods. What can we learn from them?
There’s nothing wrong with teaching Critical Race Theory. The problem is that it’s being taught as gospel.
May 2021
“Ye bearest the original sin of white supremacy, inherited from thine fathers, and their fathers before them.”
“The government had no way of knowing that seeing new infection numbers rise every day and doing virtually nothing about it meant they’d keep rising.”
Even Modi’s most affluent and committed followers are feeling the pain from the second wave – and are blaming him for it.
The old songs of iconic 1970s Japanese singers are enjoying an uncanny second life on YouTube.
Many Malays have taken to copying Arabs, not just in their views and practices, but in their friends and enemies too.
Once the rulers of the British people, the royals are now their pets. Here’s how this happened.
Could hundreds of years’ worth of slavery and systemic discrimination really just have gone away? Yes.
Cold Wars are lost, rather than won. How might the US lose the new Cold War? How might China?
April 2021
I keep expecting to hear its plaintive eeeeeeeee in my ear. It’s clear I’ll know no peace until it’s dead.
“Pool involves using a white ball to hit balls of color.”
Should we recognize a terrible person for his talents and achievements?
Though it began with good intentions, Black Lives Matter has degenerated into a toxic cult.
As Canberra stands up to Beijing, it will have to contend with many Australians who have profited from keeping China happy.
The UK’s politicians are torn on how to handle Beijing.
Burma’s generals with their illicit revenues are largely immune to sanctions.
The great Indian epics the Ramayana and the Mahabharata used to belong to everyone. Now, they’ve been claimed as the exclusive property of the Hindu right wing.
March 2021
“This was the work of the White Devil. As always, white people are to blame.”
Raya and the Last Dragon is the first Disney movie set in Southeast Asia. And it’s actually good.
Mulan Pacifies Tibet, Fast and Furious 11: 1 Belt 1 Road, and many more!
“Endless war” is one of the most maligned ideas today. But is it really that bad?
Lithuania is drawing closer to Taiwan – and it doesn’t care if China doesn’t like it.
The suspect seems less a racist than a religious nut.
February 2021
Artificial intelligence presents an existential threat to humanity. As with other existential threats, like global warming and weapons of mass destruction, we need a treaty to manage its risks, and soon.
As a cold war between China and the US looms, the EU must decide where it stands.
Many are familiar with the Western canon – those core works of literature, history, and philosophy that are considered essential to the study of the subject. How about the Chinese canon?
Both Asian and Western authorities often portray Confucius as the patron saint of Asian autocrats. They’re all wrong.
Why misinformation can only be defeated with misinformation.
If the Australian government values the news industry so much, it should subsidize it itself, instead of expecting foreign private companies to do so.
The US debate on immigration has become so stupid, so deeply, unbelievably stupid, and it’s stupid in a way that’s unique to America.
January 2021
Disney is planning a series of sequels to its 2020 Mulan live action remake, including Mulan and the South China Sea, Mulan and the 14th Five-Year Plan, and Mulan Pacifies Tibet.
Please find enclosed a full itinerary of the day’s events, along with a waiver absolving us of liability should you happen to contract COVID-19 there.
“How do we know you’re REALLY the son of God? Can we see a birth certificate?”
Trump is no longer president, but his cult remains. How will America reckon with it?
How placing more importance on material possessions can improve our lives.
South Korea’s efforts to appease Kim Jong-un make it complicit in his crimes.
Female spies from Asia are every bit as dangerous – and as seductive – as their Western counterparts.
Films disproportionately shape how the public views controversial figures. What responsibilities do they have?