FAKE NEWS | Trans People Vanishing After Too Many Question Their Identity
“In refusing to affirm my gender identity, you deny my very existence,” she said, as her body dissolved into thin air. “And so, I cannot exist.”
“In refusing to affirm my gender identity, you deny my very existence,” she said, as her body dissolved into thin air. “And so, I cannot exist.”
“Who still calls people? Who still calls people in 2022??”
A porn search history and the secret lives of a suburban family.
As my mind hazes, my last thought is of the Deep Sleep I will get with this bed and the new heights of success it will bring. Yes, I think, with this bed I will straddle the world.
“Why must you degrade the motherland in public? Just shut up and remember that you already live in paradise.”
For decades, Asian Americans have been stereotyped as overachievers. But one extraordinary young woman is fearlessly shattering this stereotype, by being awful at everything.
“Who will be the next chief executive? Will it be John Lee, the only person running for the office? The suspense is killing us.”
“We will never reopen. We will never abandon our zero-COVID policy. You are all my prisoners, forever.”
“We already have a therapy dog to help students cope with stress, anxiety, and depression. But it’s become clear that many students here suffer from the opposite problem.”
“For every one of those robot bartenders they need to hire, like, four people to supervise it.”
“Western commentators are forever harping on about Tiananmen Square. Well, I actually WENT to that square last month. How many protestors did I see being killed there? Zero.”
A struggling writer gets more than he bargained for when he writes a beautiful girl into existence.
“A lesser actor might have felt some sense of guilt at lying to the entire country – and allowed this to affect their performance. Not Jussie.”
“Who is this ‘Peng Shuai’ of whom you speak? What proof do you have that there is such a person?”
“I would like some privacy and some time to re-center myself, so don’t be surprised if you don’t hear from me for the next five years or so. Goodbye, everyone!”
“Jodie Comer gave a powerful performance in The Last Duel, but the best acting in the world could not make up for her overwhelming whiteness.”
There are tons of GoFundMe campaigns out there. Here are some of the most unworthy.
“How many times have you been driving and some motherfucker honks you from behind for, like, no reason, but you can’t honk him back because your horn only goes forward?”
We often receive letters from readers seeking advice on problems. Here are some of the most insufferable.
All your base are belong to us.
“Ye bearest the original sin of white supremacy, inherited from thine fathers, and their fathers before them.”
“The government had no way of knowing that seeing new infection numbers rise every day and doing virtually nothing about it meant they’d keep rising.”
I keep expecting to hear its plaintive eeeeeeeee in my ear. It’s clear I’ll know no peace until it’s dead.
“Pool involves using a white ball to hit balls of color.”
“This was the work of the White Devil. As always, white people are to blame.”
Mulan Pacifies Tibet, Fast and Furious 11: 1 Belt 1 Road, and many more!
Disney is planning a series of sequels to its 2020 Mulan live action remake, including Mulan and the South China Sea, Mulan and the 14th Five-Year Plan, and Mulan Pacifies Tibet.
Please find enclosed a full itinerary of the day’s events, along with a waiver absolving us of liability should you happen to contract COVID-19 there.
“How do we know you’re REALLY the son of God? Can we see a birth certificate?”
Liven up your singalong this year with some Christmas gallows humor!
He struggled to describe the perpetrator, and was unable even to say if his assailant was male or female because he considers gender to be “a social construct.”
In pursuit of a good night’s sleep, a man reckons with the tyranny of science.
So you want to explore the Malaysian jungle? Let me start by saying this is a terrible idea. Almost everything here will try to bite you, sting you, or suck your blood.
His statement has sown confusion amongst observers in Asia, as it is unclear which Chinese tech company he’s referring to.
“When I look at Malaysians today, I see their despair and frustration at not having me as their prime minister anymore.”
Whilst we understand that it is the role of a journalist to offer opinions and critiques and to ask questions, your opinion pieces are unnecessarily opinionated, your critiques unnecessarily critical, and your questions unnecessarily inquisitive.
Thanks for your generous donation! Should an angry student mob form to vilify you for failing to meet some future standard of moral purity, Princeton will disavow all association with you.
There are some dictators to whom one must concede a certain Mephistophelian dignity. Najib isn’t one of them. Look at his ridiculous face – he doesn’t even inspire fear.
“You can all go about your lives as normal. Everything is fine.”
Like Hong Kong, Singapore used to be a British colony. Unlike Hong Kong, it has no pesky tradition of relative liberty since that was crushed out of it long ago.
The weirdness of Japanese comedy reflects uniquely Japanese neuroses.
Beijing called it “a violation of the One-China principle.”
More than just clowns, jesters played a unique and important role in the halls of power.
A poor, enterprising Chinese student sees a charitable American couple as an easy mark.
Because modern problems require modern eternal punishments.
Xi contrasted “peaceful force” with the “violent force” used by “Western imperialists.”
A rich banker (with an MBA) takes a ride with a poor boatman (without an MBA).